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Ignite young minds with our engaging and hands-on STEM program for children! Our program is designed to spark curiosity and foster a love for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Energize your child's body and mind with our dynamic and fun-filled physical activity class! Our program is designed to promote a healthy and active lifestyle while ensuring children have a blast in a safe and supervised environment.

Watch your child's creativity come alive on the dance floor in our vibrant dancing class! Designed for aspiring young dancers, our program combines artistic expression with physical movement.

STEM program for Bamboo

This program is designed to introduce students to the concept of coding and computational thinking using a block-based programming language like Scratch.

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Ignite young minds with our engaging and hands-on STEM program for children! Our program is designed to spark curiosity and foster a love for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Through interactive experiments, challenging projects, and collaborative activities, students will explore the wonders of the natural world, delve into the mysteries of coding and robotics, and develop critical problem-solving skills. Our experienced educators provide a supportive environment where children can ask questions, experiment fearlessly, and discover the thrill of scientific exploration.

Program Outline, Details & Benefits:

At Bamboo school, we believe in empowering the next generation with essential skills for the 21st century. Through our engaging and interactive computer science programs, we aim to provide a supportive environment where kids can thrive, unleash their creativity, and build a strong foundation for a successful future. Join us on this exciting journey of exploration and growth in the world of computer science!

Program Details:

  • Duration: The program will run for a total of 4 sessions per month, with each session lasting approximately 1 hour.
  • Age Group: This program is suitable for elementary school students (grades 3-5).
  • Requirements: Students will need access to computers or tablets with internet connectivity. Scratch can be accessed online for free, or the school can provide a dedicated computer lab if available.
  • Facilitators: The program will be led by experienced instructors with a background in computer science and education.

Program Benefits:

  • Develops logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Enhances creativity and encourages self-expression.
  • Introduces computational thinking concepts.
  • Builds a foundation for future programming endeavors.
  • Fosters collaboration and teamwork.

Program Benefits:

  1. Introduction to Coding (1 session):
    • Overview of what coding is and why it's important.
    • Introduction to Scratch and its interface.
    • Interactive demonstration of how blocks work.
  2. Game Creation (2 sessions):
    • Introduction to game design principles.
    • Step-by-step guidance on creating a simple game using Scratch.
    • Adding characters, backgrounds, and interactive elements.
    • Incorporating movement, sound, and scoring.
  3. Animation Creation (3 sessions):
    • Introduction to animation concepts.
    • Creating a short animated story or scene using Scratch.
    • Adding characters, objects, and backgrounds.
    • Using loops and events to control the animation.
  4. Project Showcase (1 session):
    • Each student presents their game or animation project to the class.
    • Discussion and feedback on the projects.
    • Celebrating achievements and recognizing creativity.

Why kids should learn computer science

In this technologically driven era, introducing children to the world of programming and computational thinking is a wise decision with far-reaching advantages. Here are some compelling reasons why nurturing their computer science skills can prove to be invaluable for their future:

  1. Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills: Computer science encourages kids to think logically and analytically, fostering problem-solving abilities that extend beyond the digital realm. These critical skills can be applied to various real-life situations, promoting resourcefulness and adaptability.
  2. Fostering Creativity: Coding empowers children to bring their creative ideas to life through interactive websites, animations, games, and more. It serves as a canvas for imagination, enabling them to express themselves in innovative and engaging ways.
  3. Preparing for the Digital Age: In an increasingly digital world, proficiency in computer science is becoming a fundamental skill. By learning coding and understanding technology, kids are better equipped to thrive in an evolving job market.
  4. Building Resilience and Patience: Programming is often an iterative process that requires trial and error. Through coding challenges, children learn to persevere, embrace failure as a stepping stone to success, and develop the patience necessary to troubleshoot and debug their programs.
  5. Encouraging Collaboration: Many coding projects involve teamwork and collaboration. Kids can work together to solve problems, share ideas, and learn from one another, fostering strong communication and social skills.
  6. Empowering Digital Citizenship: Understanding computer science goes beyond just coding. It encompasses digital literacy, internet safety, and ethical use of technology, empowering kids to become responsible digital citizens.
  7. Increasing Confidence and Self-Esteem: As children see their coding projects come to life and tackle complex challenges, their confidence grows. The sense of achievement they experience boosts their self-esteem and motivates them to take on new endeavors with enthusiasm.
  8. Nurturing Lifelong Learning: Computer science is a domain that continuously evolves. By introducing kids to coding, we instill in them a passion for learning, curiosity about technology, and a willingness to adapt to future advancements.

Playful Moves: Fun and Fitness

We understand the importance of physical activity in the development and well-being of elementary school children. That's why we have created an exercise program that is not only fun and engaging but also beneficial for your child's overall health. Our program is designed to promote physical fitness, enhance motor skills, and instill a love for exercise.

Here is a sample exercise program for your elementary school child:

  • Warm-up (5 minutes): Jog in place or march on the spot for 2 minutes to increase heart rate and warm up the muscles. Perform a series of dynamic stretches, such as arm circles, leg swings, and trunk twists, to improve flexibility and prevent injuries.

Cardiovascular Exercise (10 minutes):

  • Jumping jacks: Encourage your child to do a set of jumping jacks to get their heart pumping and improve coordination. High knees: Have them jog in place while lifting their knees as high as possible, one at a time. This exercise helps to strengthen leg muscles and improve balance.
  • Animal movements: Ask your child to imitate various animal movements, such as bear crawls, frog jumps, or crab walks. This activity is not only fun but also improves motor skills and overall body strength.

Strength and Balance (10 minutes):

  • Push-ups or modified push-ups: Incorporate balance challenges by having your child stand on one leg while reaching for an object, or try yoga poses like the tree pose or the warrior pose.
  • Balance exercises: Depending on your child's strength level, have them perform push-ups against a wall or on the floor. This exercise targets the upper body muscles. Plank holds: Encourage your child to hold a plank position for 20-30 seconds, focusing on maintaining a straight back and engaging their core muscles.

Flexibility and Stretching (5 minutes):

  • Stretching exercises: Have your child walk or jog slowly for a few minutes to gradually bring their heart rate back to normal.

Cool-down and Relaxation (5 minutes):

  • Deep breathing and relaxation: Guide your child through a series of static stretches, targeting major muscle groups such as hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves. Encourage them to hold each stretch for 15-20 seconds.
  • Slow walking or light jogging: Guide your child through deep breathing exercises, encouraging them to inhale deeply through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth. This will help them relax and reduce any tension.

Remember, this is just a sample exercise program, and you can modify it based on your child's abilities and preferences. It is essential to make exercise enjoyable for children to ensure their long-term participation. We recommend scheduling physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day, and gradually increasing the duration as their fitness level improves.

Regular exercise not only promotes physical health but also enhances cognitive abilities, boosts self-confidence, and fosters social interactions among children. By encouraging your child to participate in this exercise program, you are laying the foundation for a healthy and active lifestyle.



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  2. របាំទិវាប្រពៃ: គឺជារបាំមួយប្រភេទសំរាប់រំលឹកដល់ថ្ងៃបុណ្យទិវាសិទ្ធកុមារអន្តរជាតិ រឺដើម្បីបង្ហាញពីការចេះគោរព ស្រលាញ់ និងការចេះរួបរួមសាម្គីភាពទូទាំងសាកលលោក។
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  7. បង្ហាត់បង្រៀនពីរបៀបសំពះទាំងប្រាំប្រភេទ និងរៀនបន្ថែមពីរបៀបថ្វាយបង្គំ ដែរតម្រូវអោយក្មេងៗរំលឹកជារៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃផងដែរ ដើម្បីក្លាយជាទម្លាប់ល្អប្រចាំថ្ងៃរបស់ពួកគាត់។
  8. មានបង្រៀនពីសីលធម៍ ដើម្បីអោយក្មេងៗកែទម្លាប់មិនល្អ និងចេះគោរពចាស់ទុំ។